Saturday, November 29, 2014

Blog Break Update

Hi,folks-I hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving and are taking your time with the holiday shopping frenzy that is now upon us.

What I am most thankful for is that my mother was able to come home from the hospital on Thanksgiving day(she had a bit of surgery,plus a follow-up procedure) and is on the mend as they say.

My heartfelt appreciation for our family and friends who gave their help and support during this time of need is great indeed. With my mother on the road to recovery, I will be back here at LRG ,starting next week with a wrap-up of my Year of Freddy Fear.

While my TV Thursday feature will be on hiatus until next year(like many of the shows I've been watching), I do plan to have a review of Jane Austen's First Love for the Syrie James Holiday Tour, plus a couple of Best of 2014 lists and some book reviews(caught up on some of my TBR during the down time). Also working my Spirit of Christmas Reading Challenge, with A Christmas Carol on deck and I'll try to mention my progress on that festive front as well.

In the meantime, I plan to look forward to the upcoming winter holidays with what I hope is a better perspective than before and here's a little Christmas music to get this party started right:

And some love for Hanukkah as well:


  1. I am so happy to hear that your situation is looking better!

    It's good to know that you're back to blogging, as well. I am only now catching up on the shows we have in common, so I look forward to chatting with you about them sooner or later...

  2. Thank you so much and I hope things are better on your end as well. Would be happy to catch up and chat with you on TV stuff and other pop culture matters,when you can.
