Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ready for Romantasy this Sci-Fi Summer

With the first big holiday weekend of the summer season about to begin, the timing couldn’t be better to sign up for Seasons of Reading’s Sci-Fi Summer , which runs the entire month of June(hosted by the wonderful Michelle Miller).

Unlike most of SOR’s readathons, this one requires you to keep to the title genre yet fantasy is also allowed which explains the title of this particular post. 

Truth be told, I’ve always preferred fantasy (nothing against science fiction; my brain just clicks along more smoothly with magic systems than technological theories)
 and this new category of Romantasy , which blends romance and fantasy into a special storytelling treat sounds like fun.

My first pick for this TBR happens to be one of my birthday gifts from this year; Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett .

The scholarly lady in question is researching the existence of fairies and travels to a remote village to learn about fae beings who resemble humans. This set of fae happens to be prone to switching out local children for changelings, a tricky subject to be sure.

While trying to gain the trust of the villagers, Emily runs into Wendell Bambleby, a scholar in the same field who suggests that they join forces. She reluctantly agrees and while they do make some strides forward, a secret is uncovered that changes the dynamics of their professional as well as their potentially personal relationship.

I’ve heard so many great things about this book that finally getting the chance to read is a pleasure worth waiting for. There’s already a sequel out but I would rather take my time with this enchanting examination of fairyland first:

I paired this with another birthday book haul fairy themed tale; Olivia Atwater’s Half a Soul.

Dora Ettings has little hope of doing well in the marriage market of Regency England due to a curse that renders her mostly emotionless.

However, an encounter with Elias Wilder aka Lord Sorcier, may change her wallflower status in more ways than one. The question remains though-who is meant to benefit by this new association and is it worth risking even half a heart to love for such an alliance?

This sounds like Bridgerton with magic to me and since I have finished watching part one of season three of that show , this ought to tide me over until the latter part of June for part two there. By the way, I adore Penelope but would like to see her end up with Lord Debling(I know, it’s not supposed to be that way) somehow:

For my final pick, my Book of the Month Club membership comes in handy for this category!

A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen brings us to Viking lore where Freya, a young bride traded to a chieftain by her cruel husband, is destined to become a shield maiden by the side of a new king.

Despite her enchanted bloodline, Freya is given no respect by the new family she’s now part of except for Bjorn, appointed as her bodyguard and intended to be the heir to his kindred’s throne. That affection goes beyond familiar and could risk several lives directly. Can Freya take control of her own destiny and her heart?

As it turns out, all of my choices here happen to be the first in a series and if this book is as cinematically entertaining as it seems to be, I sincerely hope that BOTM gets the next installment as soon as may be:

If you’re interested in joining in for Sci-Fi and/or fantasy this June, there is still plenty of time to sign up for page turning fun. My thanks to Michelle Miller for helping us all start our summer reading off right and hope everyone enjoys Memorial Day weekend with a bit of magic in their hearts:

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