With all of this warm weather still simmering around us,there's a real need to find ways to cool off and one of the best is thinking about the charming chilly days of winter. Now,I know that it's not always icy cold by December but hey,everyone else does these "Christmas in July" deals and who am I to buck the system?
So,let's take a look at some of the films that will be out and about as the frost sets in. First up is another classic sci-fi remake,only this one doesn't star Will Smith for once(nothing against Smith,but it's nice to see someone else take the wheel).
Keanu Reeves is the leading man for the new The Day The Earth Stood Still,with Jennifer Connelly as the earth woman by his side to help save the day. To be honest,I've never seen the original(shame on me)but Keanu is pretty good at playing odd man out,so this should be worth a look:
Next, we have Punisher: War Zone,which stars none of the folks who were in the first Punisher movie but I did spot Julie Benz listed amongst the cast. Most likely,she's playing a damsel in distress role similar to the one she did in that last Rambo flick*sigh*.
Hey,Hollywood,is it too much to ask that you put Julie in a movie where she doesn't have to duck from gunfire by hiding behind the beefed-up behemoth hero or at least let her kick some ass in return? Even if you've decided to ignore all of her top notch work in Buffy and Angel,she does have a major role on Dexter,guys! That should give her a little more cred there for a decent movie part,geez! She's probably not even in this trailer,which is like a live action version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City(you have been warned):
A far better comic book adaptation awaits us in December,with Will Eisner's The Spirit coming to life on the silver screen. I know that I've mentioned this movie a couple of dozen times but this is going to be the one to see before New Year's Day that will set the tone for 2009,mark my words.
For those of you who are saying to yourselves,"What is the big honking deal here?",it's very simple. Frank Miller gets a rare opportunity that many artists in any field would die for: the chance to display the full extent of his talents by showcasing the creations of the person who inspired him to pursue his craft in the first place:
Speaking of 2009,why don't we skip ahead to January and take a gander at Inkheart,which is based on the first of Cornelia Funke's Inkworld books(the third and final book in the series,Inkdeath,is due out this October).
Brendan Fraser stars as Mo,a bookbinder raising his young daughter Meggie(Eliza Bennett)alone but soon enough,their mutual talent for reading characters and objects right out of the books they love brings them plenty of unexpected company and quite a bit of danger.
I know that some folks are sick of seeing Fraser popping up in all of these fantasy action films but his appearance in Inkheart is not just another paycheck here. Fraser has narrated the audio book of the second Inkworld book(Inkspell),along with Dragon Rider(written by Funke but not part of the series)and the author has often said that he is her ideal actor to play Mo and insisted on him being cast for the movie,so there you go:
Finally,we're back to this upcoming November(not winter,but still much cooler outside than it is in June),when Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince will be arriving everywhere. This first trailer features a very young Voldemort being recruited by Dumbledore to attend Hogwarts and the kid they got to play Tom Riddle is scarier than Damien from any of those Omen movies,let me tell you!
So,while we enjoy what's left of summer,it's good to know that there is more than one reason to long for the golden days of autumn to return:
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