As today is the first of what I hope will be many more remembrances to come that honor the first publishing of Sense and Sensibility, the book that introduced all the world to the wonders of Miss Jane Austen,our daily discussion will offer a number of ways in which we can expand our verbal horizons.
In short,I have prepared a list of opportunities that should be useful for those wishing to fully engage in Talk Like Jane Austen Day. Whether you prefer to openly converse with others in this manner or restrict your remarks to online society,perhaps one of these suggestions will prove useful to you beyond the boundaries of this singular social entertainment.
READING RECOMMENDATIONS: To somewhat rephrase a point made by Mr. Darcy himself,part of the improvement of one's mind can be achieved by extensive reading. In order to do this effectively,both the giving and receiving of books between trusted friends and acquaintances is an excellent means by which to make your search for proper material less of a burden.
This is also a good topic of conversation to engage in,particularly when making new friendships but do keep in mind that some books may be too warm in nature to mention in a public setting and are best spoken about only with particular persons in private.
However,do not be afraid of expressing your approval for popular works;you may find that such tastes are shared by the most agreeable people who are only too eager to share their opinions with you:
A GOOD DOSE OF POETRY: Reading to oneself is all very well and good,but the surest method for enhancing your speaking manner by it comes from reading aloud.
From the words of Shakespeare to more modern fare,public speaking has helped to assist many a promising young person to enter and gain success in their chosen profession.
Poetry is not a field of endeavor that many consider to be practical yet it has provided a wealth of worthy material for aspiring public speakers to practice their performances with.
With enough effort and encouragement,you may be able in time to not only recite poetry in a clear voice and engaging manner for general delight but to hold forth with a composition of your own creation most credibly:
MAKING THOSE FIRST IMPRESSIONS: A hallmark of refined speech is being able to make friends wherever you go,through the use of agreeable as well as polite dialogue. Whether you are being introduced to a large new number of new acquaintance or simply paying your compliments to the hostess of an evening's party,a little amenability can go quite a long way.
However,pretty speech can be as deceiving as a pretty face. While obvious social blunders can be smoothed over by well chosen words,it will do you credit to lend a discerning ear towards dialogue that may be you leading far too close to a path of possible indiscretion:
WORD PLAY WITH CARDS: Another good way of strengthening your verbal skills is by displaying your skill at cards with others. It is not enough,however,to merely join in for a hand or two,particularly if you must play with a partner at your side. Fortune favors the brave,so taking the lead in bringing a new game to the table can improve your chances of winning in more ways than one.
Introducing a new game to your companions that all will truly enjoy requires clear and concise instructions,along with knowing when to press an advantage and when to tactfully decline from taking an unfair one:
In conclusion,I do hope that this day of vocal celebration will be a beacon of encouragement that lights the way for a turn towards making proper speech more fashionable in our society than it seems to be at the moment.
By no means do I insist upon correcting the grammar of others nor to disallow slang terminology amongst friends-the growth of language in any society would be severely stinted by such punitive methods. It would be more prudent to endorse the positive effects of improved speech instead.
A good example would be in giving our future generations the verbal veracity that would serve them well in choosing future leaders. Rather than being easily swayed by clever words,they will be fully armed to take on all contenders and match wits with the best of them.
Perhaps we may even gain a truthfully honest leader in the process,which I grant you is a bit of a stretch,but as Emma Woodhouse would say,stranger things have happened and it does no harm to hope for better things,now does it?: