Pop Culture Princess

Pop Culture Princess
especially welcome to extensive readers

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Setting up a stack of paperbacks for some High Summer reading

It’s been an incredibly hot summer in more ways than one, which is why most folks try to keep as cool as can be in August.

To that end, I have already signed up for the High Summer readathon  over at Seasons of Reading (hosted by the awesome Michelle Miller). It runs the full month of August and you are encouraged to read what you like here. My TBR for this late summer challenge is an all paperback stack of titles that I plan on relaxing with as much as possible:

First up is a novel that I read a long time ago and just recently brought back into my personal library; Swapping Lives  by Jane Green.

Amber Winslow is seeking something new in her Connecticut housewife life and decides to trade a month of of experiences with Vicky Townsley, the editor of a fashionable British magazine.

As both ladies encounter the joys and the woes of each other’s lives, this ex is indeed an eye opener. However, will that new look at their worlds be for the better or the worse?

It’s been awhile since I’ve read Jane Green when I spotted this edition at a local rummage sale, the opportunity to get reacquainted seemed movie picture perfect:

My next pick was Beth Kendrick’s  The Week Before the Wedding , set in the Vermont town of Valentine where Emily is hoping to start off her second marriage without a hitch.

Unfortunately for her, her former husband Ryan also happens to be in Valentine while scouting locations for his next movie.While he seems really happy for her, Emily is so certain about that or her current soon-to-be spouse Grant, who is beginning to pale in comparison.

This was one of the free library books that I hauled back in June(which is more of a wedding month to be sure) and felt like a light and lively read that reminds of an old school Hollywood romance-we shall certainly see!:

To round this TBR trio out, I went with a cozy fantasy that I’ve nothing but wonderful things about.

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna tells the tale of Mika Moon, a witch who mostly keeps to herself apart from her online videos about being a “real” witch that she thinks no one watches.

As it runs outs, someone does watch them and recruits Mika to teach three young girls living on a remote island how to control their growing powers. It’s quite the challenge but she’s willing to give it a go and not just because of the house librarian Jamie is easy on the eyes (although he doesn’t trust her very much).

This sounds like a real charmer with a back to school vibe that works well for the end of summer:

Well, if you wish to join in the page turning fun, there is a link to the sign up post in the second paragraph of this posting. My thanks to Michelle Miller at SOR for giving us all a great excuse to stay cool with some good books during this time of massive heat waves.

The world may be getting rather hectic these days but there is a strong sense of hope in the air right now that should give us some positive energy to tap into for what lies ahead. In the meanwhile, having a little bit of a good time can be very restorative, whether you chose books, music or memories of both:

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