Pop Culture Princess

Pop Culture Princess
especially welcome to extensive readers

Monday, September 30, 2024

Future fall reading in more ways than one

With October literally being just a day away and my next readathon about to begin, I can’t help but ponder how the rest of my reading year is going to go.

A few changes are coming yet I do intend to make some serious time for a relaxing read or two. Last weekend, my sister took me to lunch and treated me to a bookstore visit, something that I rarely get to do these days.

While there, I bought a pair of books that I’ve read good things about from BookTube(yes, the book centric portion of YouTube/Instagram). The Pumpkin Spice Cafe by Laurie Gilmore is the first in a series set in the town of Dream Harbor and the business of the title is owned by Jeanie, who inherited it from her aunt.

While she’s thrilled to restart her life in such a friendly place, not everyone in town is pleased to have a newcomer in their midst. Logan, a local farmer is bound and determined to stay far away from the cafe as possible, dreading the rampant stream of gossip that is part and parcel of the clientele.

However, Jeanie and her sunny disposition are hard to resist and it seems as if the feeling is mutual. Can Jeanie win over Logan as a friend or perhaps something much more intimate there?

Fiona of Reads and Eats sang this book’s praises and already has the next book, The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore, a delicious title indeed! If you’re looking for a literary Stars Hollow experience, this sounds like a ticket to the ultimate coffeehouse romance ride:

As much as I appreciate coffee, my tastes run more to tea drinking, which lead me to Rebecca Thorne’s Can’t Spell Treason without Tea.

This cozy fantasy is set in a realm where Reyna is a member of the Queensguard and Kianthe is a powerful mage, both of these situations make it very difficult for the two of them to go off and set up the bookshop/tearoom of their dreams.

After a kidnapping incident, however Reyna has had enough of catering to such a selfish regal client and convinced her beloved to run away with her for a quieter life. While they do find the tiny town of Tawney to be ideal, trouble still follows them despite the cold weather and nearby dragons.

This book first came to my attention via Beautifully Bookish Bethany and it sounds like such a treat! It’s also the first in a series that ought to be fun in a Legends of Tomorrow kind of way(I do miss that show!):

Meanwhile, when I went home, I still had a craving for a new author to try so I went online to get Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

Yes, I am late to the Grishaverse party but am curious to see what the fuss is all about there. 

The story takes place in the port city of Ketterdam, where a thief named Katz is tasked to recruit some of his fellow street associates for a heist that could either make their fortunes or doom them all. I do like the sound of that, a very The Suicide Squad type of tale(the good one with Idris Elba) so I am more than willing to climb aboard this adventure train indeed:

My FrightFall reading will begin after midnight)probably will start with Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone) and my personal Trilogy Time challenge will be coming to an end sooner than expected but I will have more to say about that in an upcoming post.

For now, it’s good to know that while the world around is getting wilder by the minute, there is still comfort to be found within the pages of a good book and among those who enjoy such simple delights as well.

Sorry to end on a sad not but I did want to express my condolences for the loss of Dame Maggie Smith from the world stage this past weekend. Such a lively talent that impacted many generations is a rare treasure to behold and I sincerely hope she knew just how we all appreciated her sharing her artistry, plus a keen knack for razor sharp wit,with us all:

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