For most of us,summer begins on Memorial Day weekend and while Hollywood tempts you with big shiny tent pole movies that may or may not give you all the bang for your buck that you deserve,there is one place that has tons of entertainment up for grabs at your fingertips,with a low tech price tag to boot.
Yes,I'm talking about books again,the old school print kinds that fit right into your beach bag with no need for batteries or recharging of any sort. Just some good light and a quiet spot to relax in is all that's necessary to take a thrill ride of the imagination without worrying about people using their cellphones during the best part of the show:
There's been plenty of buzz about The Passage,due out next week,that I fear may turn off those who instinctively shun books/movies/TV shows that receive such early acclaim. While I completely understand that reaction(something I've done myself quite a bit)and it can be a good call at times,this is not one of them,folks.
Justin Cronin really did a spectacular job with this novel,using familiar tropes about post apocalyptic times and the blending of the supernatural with science to create an amazing original story that moves your heart as it thrills your other senses. Trust me,this is one book that you won't be burned on. The author is planning to write two more and the time to get on this bandwagon is now:
Also arriving next week is the latest literary monster mash from Quirk Classics,which gives zombies a much needed rest for this round.
Android Karenina has Leo Tolstoy's melodrama mixed up with the steampunk stylings of Ben Winter,who gave us the fearsome fishy follies of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.
Whether this is a well known and loved story in your personal library or a brand new realm of reading to you,this reinvented tale of star crossed lovers and their robotic companions should fulfill your summer reading requirements rather satirically and satisfactorily as well:
Nelson DeMille brings back one of his best leading men, former NYPD Detective John Corey,to face off on an old enemy looking for payback. The Lion has Corey and his Anti Terrorist Task Force dealing with Asad Khalil,who is determined to take John down along with anyone else who gets in the way.
It's surprising that the John Corey books haven't been adapted for either the big or small screen(then again,after seeing how The General's Daughter turned out,that may be a blessing)but if I had to choose,TV might be the best bet. The quality of actors being drawn to the media these days,plus more time allotted to the plot line,would serve such intricate story telling skills like DeMille's to a T:
Jacqueline Carey sends us the second volume in her new series,Naamah's Curse,that has our heroine traveling to distant lands in search of her intended soul mate and battling all sorts of obstacles in her path such as vicious rulers,armies of assassins and jealous romantic rivals.
One of the things I love about exploring fantasy fiction is discovering all of these magical warrior women who put up just as good,or even greater,fight as the men. Some may be on the side of darkness instead of protectors of the light but you have to admit that they certainly know how to make their girl power known:
Author Lauren Belfer follows up her 1999 historical mystery City of Light with a WWII thriller that has all of the ingredients of a classic old school Hollywood film.
A Fierce Radiance has magazine photographer Claire Shipley cover a story about a new advancement in medical science that leads her down a dangerous road where pharmaceutical companies slug it out for control of this new cure as war draws closer and ruthless efforts are made that threaten not only Claire but the new man in her life, Dr.James Stanton.
If Hitchcock were still with us today,I think he'd jump at the chance to make this into one of his suspense laden movie marvels. Oh,well,no harm in imaging how the book would be through his eyes,now is there?:
If you're looking for literary entertainment that's just as huge in scope as any of the action packed 3D offerings at the multiplex this season,you can't do wrong with one of these reads. Don't get wrong,folks;I love a good popcorn picture but sometimes you're better off sticking to a good book rather than a over the top movie whose flaws you'll still be complaining about,long after it leaves the theaters: