We interrupt your regular LRG blog reading to announce that voting is officially open for the Jane Austen Made Me Do It short story contest. As some of you may know,part of my continuing quest to someday be a published writer currently involves two writing contests with Jane Austen themes(more about the other one in a moment)and yesterday began the start of the JAMMDI race.
The top prize in this competition is $500 and having your story included in an upcoming Austen story anthology this fall via Ballantine Books(an imprint of Random House).
Some of the other authors who have already contributed tales include Karen Joy Fowler( The Jane Austen Book Club),Stephanie Barron(Being A Jane Austen Mystery series),Lauren Willig(Pink Carnation series)and Laurie Viera Rigler(Jane Austen Addict books) Being added to such a roster is a literary dream come true,folks,so I humbly ask for your help in this matter.
There are 87 stories up for voting between now and February 28;You can vote for up to three stories and reader votes will determine the Top Ten finalists,who then will have their stories looked over by the RH editors as well as Laurel Ann Nattress of Austenprose(she's the official editor of the anthology)and they shall select a winner. My best chance at this lies in asking for as many votes as possible from all and sundry,so hence the contest campaigning that I am engaging in,forthwith:
My story for JAMMDI is entitled "The Austen Avenger",which has a modern day leading man who is all too familiar with comic book heroes yet discovers a very different sort of super heroine,one that prefers closed bonnets and long coats to a cape and tights.
Whether or not this mysterious doer of good deeds is truly Austen inspired,one thing is certain-she endeavors to make the kindly meant virtues as well as the lively spirit of Our Dear Jane save civility in this hectic fast paced age of ours.
The Austen Avenger's actions are in line with what many of our favorite Austen leading ladies are known for-matchmaking,speaking up when necessary and trying to make things right that seem to be going wrong:

Meanwhile,voting is still underway in the Bad Austen contest,which will pick eighty winners for a published collection of their parody works also to be published this fall by F+W Media. The entry that receives the most votes wins a cash prize of $250 along with being included in the finished book.
My thanks to those who have already voted for my snarky snippet,"Bennet Bridezillas",and advance gratitude to those who will vote for it soon. March 1st is the deadline,so not only can you vote for me but send in your own smartly silly character study as well:
Tomorrow,we will go back to our regular pop culture coverage but please stay tuned for updates on my Jane Austen contest status. Don't get me wrong,folks-I have no delusions about either competition launching me onto an instant literary superstar level. All I want is to have someone out there in the publishing world be willing to take a chance on me and my writing:
just wanted to tell you that i really enjoyed your story.
wondering though, what is "glaze"? did you mean a glare and a gaze?
also there were a few other spelling errors, but overall the story was intriguing and wonderful. i hope you win, or at the very least, get noticed. :)
God bless!
Thank you,Jen,for your good wishes and yes,"glaze" is a combination of glare and gaze,a touch of verbal whimsy there:)
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